Say Mmm makes it easy to plan one or more meals a day in an online calendar you can see from any computer or a smart phone.  Sometimes its also helpful to print out your meal plan and post it on the refrigerator for an easy reminder or for others to see.  

We have had a simple way to print out meals in a list view, and based on a number of requests we have added the ability to print out plans in a calendar format, so its easier to see the different meals and days in columns and rows.  The “Options” link lets you adjust the number of columns to display based on how many meals per day you plan, and also to choose whether to show notes, calories, costs or just the meals.  

You can also copy and paste the calendar into an email or into a blog, and bloggers can choose to have any published recipes automatically linked from the calendar to their recipe posts.  These features work on most blogs that support HTML tables, but ironically tumblr doesn’t, which is where we host this blog, so we will just show images of how it looks on the website.

Calendar view


List view


The ideas in these example were taken from Heavenly Homemakers, a great place for meal ideas and here’s where to find the recipes for this meal plan.

Posted by Brian