Discovering and sharing new recipe ideas is now even easier on Say Mmm. Our new recipe search feature lets you search for ideas from some of the best recipes from all over the Internet. People have saved hundreds of thousands of recipes on Say Mmm and a good number of those are recipes on public websites. So we made it simple for anyone to discover and use some of the more popular recipes from across the web, all in one place.


The recipe search also includes some useful features for customizing the results to individual tastes. You can specify ingredients you like or dislike, enter a number or range of servings, and select a preferred cooking duration.

When you find recipes you like, there are also features that let you do more with the recipes. You can see nutritional information estimates, check out related recipes at a glance, print out organized grocery lists, and save recipes with a click.


You don’t need a Say Mmm account to use the search and recipe features, so it’s easy to share the ideas with friends or on your favorite social network. With a Say Mmm account you can also save and organize these and other recipes in one place as well as use them with our other meal planning and grocery list tools.

Stay tuned. More features are on the way.